Selected Projects and Education
The Nature Conservancy, National Wildlife Federation and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Developed management plans for the Northern Harrier in New England and northeastern U.S.
Green River Watershed Preservation Alliance, Massachusetts. Identified and mapped wetlands of the Green River watershed in Massachusetts and Vermont.
Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Massachusetts. Surveyed breeding northern harriers in northwestern New Hampshire; assessed status of current population and designed habitat restoration plan for breeding harriers and other grassland birds.
Deerfield River Watershed Association, Massachusetts. Developed and directed a volunteer wetland monitoring program that surveyed marsh birds and calling amphibians in the Deerfield River watershed.
Deerfield River Watershed Association, Massachusetts. Developed and directed an inventory of rivers and streams in the Deerfield River watershed for Japanese Knotweed; developed outreach materials for invasive plants; and co-sponsored a workshop (with the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge) on knotweed ecology and management.
Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Conducted surveys for marsh birds and whip-poor-wills at Tully Lake Park, Army Corps of Engineers, Royalston, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. Conducted surveys for marsh birds and assessed wetland habitats in the Housatonic River watershed.
Deerfield River Watershed Association. Trained volunteers to identify and certify vernal pools in the watershed.
Deerfield River Watershed Association. Identified, monitored and certified vernal pools throughout the watershed in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife. Conducted surveys of early successional breeding bird communities for the Upland Program.
Greenfield Community College. Developed and taught classes on a variety of natural history topics for the college's community education workshops.